Introduction to React js : What Is It and Why Should You Use It
Once there was a time when I was hovering over my computer screen, totally baffled by a jumbled piece of JavaScript code, thinking: "Man, I wish there was a simpler way!" Now, take a deep breath. Close your eyes, and whisper: "React js." Yep, that's right, today we dive into the sea of web development with the lifesaver called React js.
React js is a JavaScript library (or as I like to call it, a miracle worker), born out of Facebook's need to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces. It allows you to build encapsulated components that manage their own state—arriving as the new sheriff in town to revolutionize how front-end development is done, replacing massive HTML files and heavy DOM manipulation.
Think of it as Lego for web development. You have these little building blocks (components) that you can click together to build this palace of a web application. The beauty? You can reuse these blocks, reducing redundancy and code littering. Who doesn't love a cleaner environment, right?
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Now, don't sweat if you think you need a NASA-like control room for your development environment. Your regular computer is just fine, pal! You need to perform a ritual called 'installation'.
First, if you haven't already, install Node.js and npm. What's that you ask? Imagine them as the gas to your React car. Node.js is an open-source runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side, and npm is the world's largest software registry, serving as the command line client to manage your project package.
Next, fire up your terminal or command prompt. Don't worry, the only flames involved here are your soon-to-be-ignited passion for React. Navigate to the directory you want to create your app in and then type the following command:
npx create-react-app my-app
And voila, you've got your first ever React project setup!
Creating Your First React js app
The journey of thousand lines of code begins with a single Hello World! Do you remember your first love-letter? Well, think of this as your first love-letter—er, code to your React js. It's almost the same feeling!
To start, navigate inside your project directory 'my-app' and open the App.js file. Replace whatever gibberish you see there with:
function App() {
return (
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
export default App;
Save it, heave a sigh of relief and fire up your localhost server with "npm start" command in the terminal from the project directory. Navigate to "http://localhost:3000" in your favourite web browser and bam! You just unleashed your "Hello, world!" into the world of web.
State and Props: Managing Data in React
If our application's a kingdom, then 'State' and 'Props' are the reigning king and queen! Things could get a little crown-jewel heavy here so sit tight.
State is the heart of every React component. It's a JavaScript object that stores the dynamic data of the component. If you’ve ever tried holding a conversation with someone and they remember everything you’ve ever said—that's pretty much how State works.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { message: "Hello, world!" };
On the other hand, Propsies (or Properties for the proper amongst you) are like the little notes of data you pass around between the components. They’re immutable, meaning they can’t change on their own—they’re handed down from parent to child components, something like inheriting your grandma's vintage clock.
function Welcome(props) {
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;}
There you go! You've just got a crash course on the royal couple of the React kingdom.
Remember, the road to React mastery is paved with lines of code and loads of practice. So dig in, get your hands dirty in that colorful, chaotic code rainbow. Writing your first React app might feel like wrestling a bear at first, but before you know it, you'll be using function components like a champ, slaying UI bugs as your morning routine and contemplating how life was before React (spoiler: it was painful!). In the Disneyland of code, React js app development company has its own rocking rollercoaster. So buckle up, it's going to be a thrilling ride!
ReactJS is the newest JavaScript open-source library which is widely used to break pages or functionality into tiny segments of reusable components. By using ReactJS, you can create a website with a unique mix of different components which are assembled on top of many other components.
Lucenta Solutions ReactJS skill appropriately includes critical features, toolchains as well as React API libraries, in order to build interactive applications. Companies that needed high-level feature integrations, including payment gateways, as well as real-time data exchange accompanied by modular application access, selected us as their preferred React js development company.