The Best Web App Ideas for Startups
When starting a business, one of the most challenging parts is finding unique web app ideas that have the potential to attract users and make the business successful.
Currently, there are an estimated two billion websites and web apps on the internet globally. The number of active websites is only around 200 million, and approximately 3 websites are added every second.
Best Web App Ideas
1. Blockchain-Based Medical Web App
Cryptocurrencies have become synonymous with blockchain technology over the past couple of years. However, there are many different applications of blockchain technology that can be applied to the medical industry.
Blockchain-based medical web app development is one of the most obvious examples of it. A cryptographic hash function can be applied to a similar application to create a system that encrypts and protects data from unauthorized access.
2. Find A Cofounder
In today’s world, one out of every five people is aiming to become a self-employed entrepreneur. Unfortunately, they are often unable to find startup partners who share similar visions and assist them in achieving their goals.
3. Machine Learning Based Astrology App
The knowledge of what the future holds is one of the most important things humans always aspire to understand. During the former days of astrology, people used to get a glimpse of the future from those who were astrologists.
4. Crime Alert Web Apps
Today’s society is being faced with an increased rate of crime which is becoming a threat to its well-being. Don’t you think following a web application idea of creating an application that can inform users of crime happening around them would be a good idea?
5. Training and Orientation Web App for Employees
Newly hired employees are often welcomed into a company’s work culture by having an orientation session that helps them adjust to that culture. In the case of manual orientation, HR can often face a number of challenges.
6. CEO Dashboard Web Application
Due to the abundance of data available to companies today, it is imperative that that data be analyzed and used in the most effective manner possible. This type of web application provides CEOs and business owners with a detailed and intuitive view of the business information, in the way they want to view it.
7. A Web Application to Tell About the Right Investment
Investing has always been one of the most significant aspects of a person’s life. Today, however, owing to the proliferation of a wide variety of investment opportunities, people often struggle to know where to find the right opportunity for their investment needs.
Final Take
Web applications are fast becoming the replacement for mobile apps, and are helping businesses of all sizes to achieve success at every level. Increasingly, web applications are becoming more popular and are expected to have a positive effect on profits in the future. To turn these ideas into reality, let's partner with a web app development company that has rich expertise in web application development.